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Bethlehem NY Screening of Under Our Skin – June 10, 2010


Premiere Showing of


UOS cover 


 Bethlehem Public Library – Community Room

451 Delaware Ave, Delmar, NY

                                  June 10, 2010. The room will open at 5:30 – the movie will start at 6:00.
Sponsored by the Capital District branch of the Empire State Lyme Disease Association, this riveting film unfolds like a thriller, presenting a frightening expose about how our corrupt medical system is failing to address one of the most serious epidemics of our time.  The public is invited to this free showing. Previous regional screenings have been attended by standing-room-only crowds.

A dramatic tale of microbes, medicine and money, this eye-opening film investigates the untold story of Lyme Disease, an emerging epidemic larger than AIDS. Each year thousands go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, told that their symptoms are “all in their head.” Following the stories of patients and physicians as they battle for their lives and livelihoods, the film brings into focus a haunting picture of our health care system and its inability to cope with a silent terror under our skin.
People with chronic Lyme Disease are often misdiagnosed as having chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, fibromyalgia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis, arthritis, or mental illness. And sometimes they receive no diagnosis at all.

UNDER OUR SKIN is the recipient of numerous awards, including recognition from the Woodstock, Tribeca, Silverdocs, Houston, Sonoma, Mill Valley, and Rhode Island International Film Festivals. The film has been under consideration for an Academy Award for best documentary.

The June 10 showing is free and open to the public.  Anyone curious about Lyme and its symptoms should come.  Members of the Empire State Lyme Disease Association will be available to answer questions after the film.  Special showings for groups, schools, or organizations can be arranged by contacting the ESLDA  www.empirestatelymediseaseassociation.org.

Inquiries about this Bethlehem presentation may be directed to evdloder@aol.com.

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